Dallas Prestige eSports logo

This logo was designed for Dallas Prestige Elite Gaming, a Dallas eSports league. eSports logo design is hot these days and creating a brand that can reflect the look and feel of the scene is less forgiving here than in other industries.

This logo has to represent, in an instant, everything eSports is about:

  • Bold, energetic text is a must to grab attention.
  • Solid and cohesive colors for branding
  • A videogame controller so you know what interests you can expect
  • A design that can be used on signage and apparel.

Dallas Prestige logo

Dallas Prestige tshirts

Here you’ll see more specific applications of graphic design for eSports such as apparel, event canopies, and signage. Other eSports use cases could be branding for gaming chairs, headphones, and mousepads. Branding and merchandise sales are instrumental for growth, recognition, building a following, and securing sponsorships for all Dallas eSports teams.

Dallas Prestige canopy

Dallas Prestige eSports logo